Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Pre-Employment Transition Services must be offered to students with disabilities without requiring them to apply for, or be determined eligible for, these services.

WIOA established VR as the primary agency for preparing youth with disabilities for employment while the youth are still in high school, including being able to access services while pursuing postsecondary education (trade, college, or university). VR will deliver specific Pre-Employment Transition Services including:

  • Career Exploration Counseling

  • Work Readiness Training

  • Self-Advocacy Training

  • Postsecondary Educational Counseling

  • Community-Based Work Experiences

The students are not traditional VR customers, but have been referred to VR by school districts for limited (pre-employment transition) services.

  • Email form back to roderick@innovativeacademyfl.com